With heightened attention being paid to bread baking in quarantine, I have made time to up my game by adapting more formulas, and trying to bake at a slower speed. Patience and study are not qualities that come easily to a always-pressured chef. Rushing to produce quick breads and expecting a perfect loaf seems like a politician’s game, you get lousy results, from lots of waste to bad crumb and crust.
Often my brother chides me, tell me that I produce bread porn by posting endless photos of supposedly great loaves, never allowing anyone to actually taste them. Well, he’s wrong, as attested to by my neighbors, two butchers and a local grocer who asked if I had more! One of the butchers wives actually posted something about it on Facebook. Here’s a quote: “My favorite baker sent me some bread…or at least I’d like to think so. Thank you so much, it’s amazing.”
It feels good to share a communal loaf. The breaking of bread is an act of sharing. Giving is what we do, especially now in this time.