A Stir The Pots Post

Tourte Auvergnate

by | Aug 8, 2020 | Bread, levain

Tourte Auvergnate is a classic French rye that resembles the landscape of its namesake region, an area of dormant volcanoes and mountains The distinctive look of its darkened  crust and moist rye crumb are welcome geography for butter.

This loaf has many different methods of approach to fermentation, including a hundred percent rye or a wheat pâte fermentée. Or even a levain or  combination of the two. This recent bake was made with a mix of firm levain and a “old” dough from a previous batch. It lacked yeast but it had starter. And it was exceptionally good, with a rustic and toothsome texture and taste.

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1 Comment

  1. Dominique Vanderwegen

    Please What is your recipe for a tourte auvergnate, 100% rhye?
    Thank you!


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