Our Favorite


Spring Flinged

Each year the private club where I am chef holds their "Spring Fling." It's a great excuse for a colorful spread. This year's was 15 hours over a simple spread. Honestly, more often the crowd here is about drinking, not eating. Regardless, here's...

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My father lived in Germany, and both me and my brother spent time visiting him. I also was stationed there as Private Shapiro, soldier in this nation's army. Anyway, weekends off from military duty, me and my brother would ride 20 kilometers from my father's village...

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Pretiola-Pretzels With A Twist

Pretzels are twisted. You know that. But do you know why? I don't but maybe there's some sweet logic in the rumor that they were invented by an Italian monk who named them piccola premi,(small rewards) or "pretiola" to reward children for prayers....

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A Focaccia & A Brezel Bread

Falls menu changes and I decided to put some quicker lunch sandwiches to try out.Why not some nice home made brezel bread or a focaccia? Simple, overnight ferment with a bit of yeast and a baking soda dip. Focaccia relatively low maintenance dough...

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Brezlen (Pretzels)

Brezlen. German pretzels. How I miss them! I haven't found a decent producer of these  simple lye-dipped breads which are delicious however you serve them; whether plain, with ham, butter, with or without beer. (whoops, I meant "bier!" Sorry...

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