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Delicatessen Rye

Perfect rye bread, light colored rye, delicatessen glazed. Already found the perfect ham on rye,(Ruti Eastman) character is caraway and cornmeal, that's a Jewish rye.

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Recently baking author (and teacher) Richard Miscovich posted a 67% sprouted rye bread. Wanting to make it, I set about configuring the numbers on my single detmolder calculator. Having no sprouted rye, I was so eager that to bake the bread that I ended up grabbing a...

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Once again, I have attempted to bake a Kornybroyt, something of a "mythological bread." This time I milled my own rye for a finer feel (and look). I also gave the dough a longer mix for better hydration. Then deploying a cast-iron pan, I upped the...

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Rye Bread, With Some Twists

I have been baking a lot of rye-bread variations, most with Germanic sounding names; Altus, Mehlkochstuck,Samen. Each has particular additions from pre-gelatinized rye flour to seeds. Basically, I married these variations and then made them canvasses for different...

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Baking Rye

Before hearing Nathan Myrvhold interviewed at Modernist Breads/MOFAD party for his new book, I had always blamed the lousy quality of my home-baked rye bread on bad luck. Well, seems the fault falls on neither fate nor luck. In his interview,...

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Mischbrot is a classic rye. My first try was a disaster. Having used an Ian Lowe formula, I reached out to the master, himself. Ian explained that my mistake was under-fermentation. He told me it should be proofed like a standard wheat loaf. Ian...

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