
As much as I dislike department store shopping, I love Nordstrom's New York City restaurant, Wolf. My wife introduced me to it, and periodically we visit for lunch. The menu is filled with fresh pastas and salads, along with a nod to Italian cuisine and use of...


On a whim, we picked Montreal for our August vacation. Why not? It’s full of great chefs, bakers, markets, and the wonderful colloquial Quebecois French. Honestly, we most wanted a chance to visit my good friend Domenico and his new family. It was a great trip...


Pozole with pork is a classic Mexican dish. Recently I decided to make it for the staff meal. Pork is a hard sell for some of the crew. But I did have some satisfied Mexicano's on staff who came back for seconds. I used my old pressure cooker for cooking the...


Staff meals can be dicey, as any choice on which you land faces the discriminating tastes of your kitchen crew. But comfort food usually satisfies the most picky eaters among my staff. These St. Louis BBQ ribs, made with a smoked rib rub and in a slow roast delighted...

Riso Vialone

Pressed for time one evening, I was recruited by my wife to make some risotto with mushrooms picked up recently at a local farmers' market. Luckily I'd also recently acquired a can of Vialone nano rice. It led to a fabulous meal, the rice toothy and...