
Below is a slice of home-baked cider raisin apple bread with a morsel of foie gras on a lettuce leaf bed, topped with apple quince compote. In one way it's a simple set of flavors. In another way it's complex. Either way, it's delicious. 

Juxtapose this!

Whenever you got a bit of extra dough, why not try a new shape or a different kind of bread….say pizza? Chad Robertson does it in his Tartine bread book, which I've enjoyed lately, including a jump at his standard sourdough recipe, which is a...

Tartine bread

I'm back at the Tartine Bread Book, trying to figure out why I haven't latched on successfully to Chad Robertson's zen-like bread style. My latest effort included fatal math errors around confused proportions. Nevermind that, I had my calculator and...

Tartine, take #4

Using Chad Robertson's book, Tartine bread, I tried again for a fourth time to make an honest Tartine bread. This time though I followed my friend MC's latest adaption, using both a hot and cold oven, and with exceptional results! Rather then just white flour,...

Percentages and intuition – critical baking ingredients

The importance of percentages but also intuition can't be overstated when it comes to baking bread. That came to mind right after getting my latest bread book, Tartine by Chad Robertson. It's beautifully packaged with a Corinthian leather feel. And the...