A Stir The Pots Post


by | Sep 25, 2006 | Uncategorized


While preparing a dinner with my newly purchased rice cooker and making an assortment of bread in between house chores, I was reminded plums were around. Not like any I picked in Lampenberg in my sisters orchard, just the usual you will find in the store around the block, Whole Foods hasn’t made it to Sunnyside yet?
So in line with the dinner plans, arroz con pollo (cooked in one pot rice cooker,mind you!) and salad of julienned beets, carrots, lettuce and cukes I had those plums and they were well, not like in my sisters Cimg0691_1orchard! Not being a spoiler, I thought to make a yeasted kuchen,as I was feeling nostalgic for my sister’s homey tarts and cakes! So I took out a copy of a new book I got in Paris by the reknowned boulanger Eric Kayser and found it a easy recipe all be it my mold was a tad short and some of the appareil oozed over the edges, it did make the plums a whole lot tastier with cinnamon, almonds and butter permeating through out!Cimg1347_1


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