A Stir The Pots Post

Brotchen and currywurst

by | Jun 9, 2007 | Food

Last week my friend and local restaurateur Tim, of Quaint asked me what sort of food he should offer as summer is upon us! He thought of putting different sorts of street food themed items for quick and friendly eating . I had mentioned to his chef John recently that our local butcher and my friend Johnny of Sunnyside meat market made a mean variety of sausages; Currywurst a dish I sampled on a regular basis in Stuttgart was where I was introduced to this classic kiosk favorite. Basically it’s a nice grilled bratwurst with ketchup and a dose of powdered curry dusted with a crusty roll, oh yeah a beer helps it all go down nicely!
So in a neighborly spirit Tim went to Johnny bought some bratwurst,some knockwurst,and he even went for a loaf of babka! He is going to try the currywurst and to help him along I am making some Krüsti,(a brotchen from Stuttgart!) I started it out lacking some rye, so I did a little change up and fed my rye with spelt, this morning it was bubbling and ready! At the grocery I stocked up on some flour as I was going to make a large batch of 30- 104g size brotchen, the recipe was a school tested one, never attempted at home!
All my neu friends in the German bread forums I belong to now are encouraging me on my baby steps into a less popular bread species, rye! Amongst the least known types of bread and looked at with a lot of misunderstanding by most bakers. I find these breads with integral whole grain totally satisfying with any good ham or just some slather of schmaltz!
So Tim wants me to come by and judge his version, it’s gonna be tough….3 years in the army and my beer soaked brain,well ok I can try it, you should too!


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