A Stir The Pots Post

Whole food shoppers! David Lebovitz in the butter aisle!

by | Sep 30, 2007 | Uncategorized

What other blogger could talk about butter, joke about man-purses, give wonderful advice on ice cream and just generally be a really nice person? David Lebovitz of course! Today I was in despair as the Mets petered out of the season and my vollkorn bread was just as horrid! So I rushed off to the city to meet David at City Bakery. While my  I-Pod was belting out tunes in my ear on my walk from the train at  Union Square I realized I had completly forgotten where City Bakery was! I asked directions and found myself only a block and a half away! A sign that I was close was Maury Rubin walking by and a sign on the scaffolding above on 18th street. I made my way up from the entrance where the sign indicated a book signing on the mezzanine, I got to the top and there was David! I felt like a blushing teenage groupie, pulled out my digital for a snap, how rude! David sounded just like he did when I talked to him and I couldn’t wait to say hello! Just when I thought I was next some bearded fellow with pierced ears and a man-purse just cut in front! Scuse me, I was next I thought? So I went and purchased a book, he already had one in that bag of his! Another two people in line in front of me, finally a cute girl was talking on and on so David sweetly sent her off, he was here to sign books! He said hello and sort of hesitated for a minute but recognized me! We chatted and he signed my book with a sharpie, asking me again how to spell my name. He told me to help myself to some Baileys but I excused myself so I could catch the last bit of the baseball game and shove my bread in the oven!
Thanks David for all your good work and that interview you did with me. Oh yeah, the Mets lost, but the bread was fabulous!


1 Comment

  1. David

    Hi Jeremy: Yes, you left me with all the Bailey’s to drink! Hope the bread was worth it.
    Vietnamese food? When there’s all these deli’s around? Let’s hit Shake Shack…


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