A Stir The Pots Post

Dagwood Sandwich Sunday

by | Nov 18, 2007 | Food

Sunday is the day of rest,watch a good episode of Colameco wash laundry etc… So this particular day I had a lunch that seemed appropriate since my fridge was empty and my wife was kicking back while I attended to chores.
My hugely successful levain I made the other day was a great place to start layering what was just laying around, gravlax my wife picked up for me at Ikea! Some tomatoes, lettuce,red onions, avocado and some Italian butter. Dagwood is a cartoon character and he likes sandwiches that resemble buildings, layers of different ingredients stuffed between two pieces of bread an almost vertical but yet horizontal tower of good eats! Washed down with a nice lager, can’t be beat!

Bread crumb

My sandwich bread

Gravlax bread spread

Bread layering

Nosh sandwich



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