A Stir The Pots Post

Torta Espanola rapide…or Penlope’s

by | Feb 28, 2008 | Recipes





Sometimes I wake up and crave something that reminds me of a moment or even a movie? Like deja vu. It happened to me today before I set off to work, deciding what to have for breakfast. Just a  few weeks ago I had recorded Jamon, Jamon, Luna Biga’s movie about some pretty screwy people that swing hams and eat tortas. It stars Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz. There are some funny and titillatingly food  related scenes, one featuring Penelope’s nipples compared to the delicate flavor of Torta Espanola. 

Hmmm…close your eye’s and  imagine.

Well, typical for me I was running late for work, and truthfully not looking forward to a busy lunch and dinner service! So to get me going I brewed a coffee (organic, I might add self-righteously! – though it’s really really tasty too), when my attention turned to  the fridge in which were living a variety of different levain specimens: a little pineapple, some Greek yogurt…..hmmm it’s cold out and I wouldn’t mind an egg I thought! I pulled out the veg drawer and there were some onions, a couple of potatoes and garlic, and then it hit me! Yes, Penelope’s Torta I thought! Oh, that lucky Javier Bardem, I wonder if she still cooks them for him?


Torta Espanola

Basic recipe, no brainer really!

I sweated the onions, potatoes and garlic with some olive oil. Slowly as not to brown or
burn them, then I seasoned with salt and pepper, a couple pinches of pimenton picante, beat the three eggs and slowly moved in the egg to the center of the pan, trying to make a nice shape. I haphazardly flipped the torta, and let it finish on the otherside and turned off the flame!

Basic ingredients:
1 or two small potatoes small dice about a 1/4 inch square, waxy or even yukon would be sweet!
1 medium onion small dice, I used a red one, no white around, your choice?
1 clove of garlic minced
2-3 Tablespoons olive oil, hey add more if you feel like you got cajones!(It is a Spanish dish!)
pinch or two of Pimenton


3-4 eggs, depends how many people you got over, I use vegetarian and free range eggs!(Criollo)

A saute or cast iron pan, I used my wifes non-stick as I was too lazy to pull out the cast iron!

You can serve with whatever gets your goat really, I had some fine sourdough I had baked the other night, or try some Chorizo!


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