A Stir The Pots Post

Summertime in the kitchen…hot

by | Jun 4, 2008 | Food

No chef in his or her right mind will tell you that it is nice to work in the kitchen when the summer approaches, why? It’s hot, hot, hot! Another problem, especially for my line of work as a private club chef, is the tedium and waiting between services if I can’t manage to get out for a break. So what pray tell do I do? Bake bread amongst other things. Kind of like Dante’s inferno, why not just get a little hotter and just enjoy it.

Yesterday was case in point, I rustled up a loaf of Jim Lahey’s infamous no-knead pot bread, with various borrowed sources. Dan Leaders levain formula from his first book, Bread Alone. From Pim of Chez Pim, who got bit by the baking bug on one her recent posts, I followed her formula. I didn’t have any special flour except all purpose white, my boss smirks when I make a loaf, the fact is I don’t think he has a liking for crusty loaves of sourdough, whatever?

This whole week after memorial day has been deliriously boring, though it gave me time to play with the new summer menu which I try to snap photo’s of when I am not sautéing or filleting leaving me helpless to focus and snap!

So here are a few pictures to show you I am not having blogger block or something, I actually do work for a living! Not that I wouldn’t like to be traveling and eating in temples of the food gods instead.

So until I write a cook book or end up on food network, well I guess I will just keep cooking for the hell of it, even when it is hot!




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