A Stir The Pots Post

Pain de Campagne, my first bake for a month!

by | Sep 8, 2008 | Uncategorized

For a while now I have been directing my eyes toward a great French site for home bakers. It belongs to Jane, a French woman with a quintessential American name. Whatever, she definitely has the baker’s touch! So yesterday I left a comment about a bread she mutually developed with a fellow baker named David. First seeing it on The Fresh Loaf, I decided it would be one of the breads to make in my new oven, a treat having lacked such basic appliances for almost a month. Call it a New York apartment thing! 


Pain de Campagne crumb and 100% whole grain bread.


  1. Jane

    Looks great! What kind of rye did you use? I realize that many people automatically use a medium or even light rye. I always use dark, which has a stronger flavor.
    I hope you were happy with your new oven. Sometimes it takes time to adjust.

  2. Jeremy

    Hi Jane,
    I used a dark rye, getting rye here is tricky.I am happy with the oven although I would prefer a real bread oven, I guess I will live? I will try the miche again I had baked just as my old stove kaputed on me, it burned right in the Creuset I was using, had to dig it out and clean the burnt remains, what a drag!

  3. Susan/Wild Yeast

    Great bread for your new oven initiation! Jane’s blog is indeed fabulous. I’m just catching up with my reading after busy few weeks and I’ve enjoyed reading all about your stint at Dilara’s restaurant. What a trip!


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