A Stir The Pots Post

Waste not want not

by | Apr 24, 2011 | Food

In this time of budget cuts and people in terrible need, wasting food is wrong. My mother grew up in France during WW II. She didn't starve but she did quickly learn the value of frugality. I guess she passed on a those values, though avoiding waste doesn't mean a person should embrace suffering and matyrdom. Far from it. It just means being creative. Here's some flavorful approaches to being creative with leftovers.



Recently I had leftover risotto with shrimp from a weekend brunch. So I whipped up some eggs, chopped up some onions. Along with some beet tops, Which I served as a vegetable side.


That calls for a rice, shrimp frittata with sauteed beet tops….


 With the same leftovers (shimp and risotto) take a couple eggs, sautéd onion, and make your frittata!


A salad with yogurt sesame dressing as a cleanser!


1 Comment

  1. Sarah @ Mum In Bloom

    You have a lovely blog here and your photos are beautiful. I saw your link today on Mike’s Weekly Baking Tips. You obviously love what you do. As a novice bread baker I especially like your bread posts. The frittata looks great. We have some sort of frittata once per week for dinner and it’s a great place to “hide” leftovers ;o) Keep up the good work!


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