A Stir The Pots Post

Stir the Pots Survey

by | Jun 9, 2011 | Uncategorized

In the next few months, Stir the Pots will be running a series of audience surveys.

This month, we will run our first survey. It has questions on Food Culture, looking for reader input on favorite food regions, personalities, and media. 

Ny skyline

The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and is designed to be thought provoking and hopefully fun.  


Click this link to complete this month's survey.

We promise to share the results on the blog at the end of the month. Thanks for taking the time for completing it. Enjoy.                                         

                                      Montreal diner





  1. Txdoughpuncher

    Sorry, Jeremy, couldn’t get past question #3, never watch any cooking shows and none was not an option. Enjoyed picking chefs that I liked and those I think over-rated, though

  2. Jonathan

    If you don’t watch any, just put that in “other”


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