A Stir The Pots Post


by | Jun 12, 2013 | Croissants, Doughnuts

Trending and gone viral, is it just a fad? Talking about Cronuts.Take it a layer at a time, fry it, and you could say it’s just fried dough. Actually, the entire concept is riding the wave of genuine genius, namely the creation from Dominique Anseal, and like any cheap marketer’s, scalping it.

My friend Stephane did a rendition that was superb. With coaxing from pal Chef Amy  to try my own, and with a  slow day at the office, I whipped out my army recipe cards, (#1904) for raised doughnut. I left out the shortening, instead enriching my batch with olive oil, then proceeded to layer butter into the dough like a croissant. End result after the first try; a flaky, crisp airy doughnut. It’s delicate dough, needs a patient hand along with a few tweaks. A baked version? Sure, why not!



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