A Stir The Pots Post

Merguez Sausages

by | Jan 26, 2014 | Charcuterie, cooking, Food

Craving merguez sausage for sometime now, and mindful of ever avoiding waste, I used a butchering opportunity at work to put together of a batch of these Morroccan treats. Not having casing, they ended up looking a bit like burgers. I used the fatty meat between lamb racks, as well as the tail end of a beef filet to make a 50/50 mix. To the meat, I added traditional merguez spices, fresh coriander, and harissa (made of ancho and other chilies. It led to a deliciously fragrant and moist mix. With no pita (or even tahini dressing), I opted to eat as a sandwhich with a grilled baguette, onion, tomato and some salad. Topped with olive oil, it was delicious comfort food. 

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