A Stir The Pots Post

James Lahey’s No-Knead Pizza

by | Feb 6, 2014 | Pizza

After my recent visit with James Lahey, I had a hankering to give his "no knead" pizza dough a go. It is not traditional Napolitano pizza, with about 10% more hydration than the usual 57-60% used in the Verace style. Having errands to which I had to attend, I followed the steps of a quick mix and let the dough "rot," as James calls fermentation. Eight hours later, I had a bubbly mass that looked, well, pretty. I decided to give my first pie a go with anchovies, mozz and tomato. The result was airy and light, without an overly yeasty taste. I let the rest of the batch sit overnight in the fridge, and with an overnight retard I pulled out some dough for the now infamous "popeye" pizza. It was smashingly good!

IMG_8311 IMG_8312
IMG_8313 IMG_8314 IMG_8319 IMG_8321 IMG_8322 IMG_8324 IMG_8326 Pie Cornycione Pizze


  1. Teresa

    Wow, it looks super Jeremy! Was it totally wild levain or did you use some commercial yeast?

  2. Jonitin

    Hi Teresa, .25% commercial! Just testing…and my wild pizza formula had been not working, badly entered the wrong percents in brainstorm!

  3. chouette22

    Wow, these look fantastic! How did you bake these? I keep experimenting with my baking stone at different heights in the oven, with or without broiler, with or without convection, pre-bake the crust or not, etc.


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