A Stir The Pots Post

Way Good Wagyu

by | Jul 1, 2014 | Food

While shopping for vegetables at New York City's renovated Katagiri Japanese grocery store, I saw they were offering some Oregon-grown Wagyu beef. Grass fed, with no GMO, this American bred super beef is delicious. It’s also very pricey. But you only live once! 

One look at those fatty cuts of meat and I had no problem digging into my wallet, eyes focused happily on a juicy-looking rib-eye. Cast-ironed seared, with some whole garlic, herbs and pepper, the piece of meat dripped with fatty goodness. It was also strangely reminiscent to a foie gras. I enjoyed every bite.


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  1. gwen


  2. Haydel Buffington

    Wow! I envy you for this! It”s very delicious.The last time I’ve eaten a wagyu beef was when we had a valentine date as a couple. I think I’m gonna grab a baby back ribs in the meat shop and cook it just like the way you’ve cooked your wagyu roast beef, very luscious one!


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