A Stir The Pots Post

Fish tacos

by | Jul 9, 2020 | Uncategorized

Who doesn’t like tacos ?  Especially fish tacos. But it’s rare to find a good restaurant fish taco. They’re usually sweaty from their over-wrapped tortillas and made from lesser quality tilapia or catfish. What’s key is cooking method. Who wants a  batter fried  filet steaming between tortillas and condiments. You’re left with a soggy mess which has been lost in translation.  Recently I got the book, Truly Mexican, a book from author/chef  Roberto Santibañez  of Brooklyn’s Fonda. His book and cooking reflect contemporary Mexican  food. I used one of the recipes to make some fish tacos at home. The book was inspiring. I bought some exquisitely fresh  bonito, and used  the books  amazingly simple and delicious adobo recipe. Excellent  results, olé!



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