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Pozole with pork is a classic Mexican dish. Recently I decided to make it for the staff meal. Pork is a hard sell for some of the crew. But I did have some satisfied Mexicano's on staff who came back for seconds. I used my old pressure cooker for cooking the hominy...

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Pigs trotter can be the making of a great meal. Braised tender or roasted to crisping its skin, it is terrific for the German specialty schweinshaxe which I made recently. That dish led me to try using it for a batch of cotechino (or zampone), a trotter stuffed with...

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Mangalista Burger

Mangalitsa is a heritage pork originating in Hungary. It's a fat, amazing cut of meat brought here by a New Jersey-based charcuterie called Mosefund.  I was introduced to Mangalitsa when Mosefund owner Chris Anderson came as a guest to my...

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