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A Suite Of Goodies

After a marathon of pizza making at work, my mind went to Viennoiserie; namely croissants and pain au chocolat. Going to work, wanting to give a nod to health, I used sprouted wheat. Giving it long bulk and final proof, giving me time to chill. Slow food is good....

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Sometimes time is your friend. Other times, it's your annoying neighbor. And sometimes it's a lovely surprise. Reworking a formula for Danish, I diligently played with the numbers, but then short on time to get back to it, I left the dough laminated for almost...

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Goat Your Danish

I've made Danish before, but this is the first time I used goat butter. A California product found at Zabars, it lacks cow butter's yellow color, and texturally it looks more like lard. But it was fairly easy to laminate and taste-wise, it was...

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Croissants Again

My search for a perfect croissant achieved, I decided to try adding  twenty percent whole rye into the picture. Not reinventing the wheel exactly, as it's been done. The challenge is the understanding of using rye or other flours with less protein as a...

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There's a famous story about bakers alerting the city of Vienna to Turkish attack years and years ago, using the Ottoman's crescent symbol as something worth a ferocious bite.  Whatever its origins, I have wanted to master the croissant for a long time, as well. I...

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