Reworked Kayser

While trawling through a vast archive from Saveur Magazines gourmet food pages, I came upon an Eric Kayser formula for a quinoa whole wheat bread with raisins. It piqued my curiosity as I have been using a Ferrandi School’s bread baking books that features...

Inspired & waSTED

For three weeks, Blue Hill restaurant in Greenwich Village temporarily reinvented itself as wastED, a pop-up devoted to the theme of food waste and re-use. wastED collaborated with local farmers, fishermen, distributors, processors, plant breeders,...

Skura Pie

Usually I have some pizza dough in my fridge, but recently I was out, so I decided to go with an old formula I used at work for staff, but using skura flour. I made up the dough, let it rise, and balled it after it had doubled and let it park in my fridge. Late...

Baking Away From Home

Okay, so I have baked in small places. My mother, bless her heart, has a kitchen that fits that category. Mom has a electric oven, no  bannetons, or even a blade to slash my dough. How primative! Oh, Lord, one day help me get rich and buy this wonderful woman a...


Making a bread formula is basically an improvisation of experience and ingredients. Here's an example. The other day while perusing my fridge, I noticed pumpkin puree. I also found some masa harina in my flour bins. I've had this flavor quotient of a tamale...