Mock Mill

While I have a Komo mill at home, at work I was using an old mill attachment for my mixer. A few weeks ago, I decided to splurge and ordered a Mock Mill 100 from Breadtopia, the company’s American distributor. On arrival, the hopper broke and calibration issues...

Fulvio Marino

@letiziacigliutti   Fulvio Marino is a third generation miller and baker from Italy's Piedmont region. He now leads bread development for Eataly's global gourmet food store (playground). As fans, we invited Marino to share his insights and thoughts about...
Pierre Ragot

Pierre Ragot

Two summers ago I met Pierre Ragot at his boulangerie in Marseille. I’d heard of him  through our common friend Thierry Delabre. While I tried to speak some French, he joked about my lack of linguistic skill, simultaneously sharing his plans to open more places...


Back before everything was taught on Zoom, a few years ago I took an actual real-time class to make rugbrød. Fast forward to the present where I work both as a chef and baker at work (and spend my home hours focused on baking), I decided to try this bread again from...

Edison Wheat

Recently my friend Chef Bob Perry  sent me a sample of Kentucky-grown Edison wheat from Walnut Grove Farms. Suddenly I had three bags of grains spilling out of a newly arrived box that had been manhandled in postage. To understand how to use it, I sought advice...