Étienne Guérin – Sommelier

Étienne Guérin – Sommelier

    I first met sommelier Étienne Guérin when he was working at  M. Wells.  It was back when the Long Island City restaurant was in its early days, a follow-up to the owner’s Quebec-influenced establishment of the M. Wells...


Tourtière are meat pies of Quebecois origin. If you are not near Quebec, New York City's Montreal-influenced M.Wells serves them. I decided to make a batch at home. My mise en place included meats along with pre-cooked and pre-cooled vegetables, set in...

M.Wells Steakhouse

M.Wells Steakhouse finally opened in Long Island City. In only two months, Chef Hugues Dufour and his wife Sarah Obraitis have managed to generate genuine buzz. The night I went, a few days before New Years, when the only seat was at the bar. Honestly,...

Le Retour: M.Well’s dinnette

I was sad when the doors of Montreal-influenced M.Well's Diner closed in New York. I had discovered this upscale "hip" greasy spoon a few years ago, visiting its diner box car environ's to sample the fusion of Canadian comfort food. So...

A tout a l’heur (M.Wells)

  By now, the news is out about M.Wells closing at the end of August. Hearing it, I sped from the subway and headed straight for breakfast. They are scouting for a new location,thank goodness!!!