Post Thanksgiving

Who wants to work a double shift, then come home to confit duck gizzards and make stuffing amid a messy kitchen and cluttered fridge? Not moi! Nevertheless, having agreed with my mother to forgo Thanksgiving turkey for duck, well, moi it was! For this most American of...

Pide, Egg, Suçuk

Pide can be called Turkish pizza. Here's my sourdough version, enhanced with suçuk from the best producer in Astoria, along with an egg. 


Simit are twisted ring breads from Turkey. Made with sesame crumb and crust, they are addictive. I first ate them while on a ferry outside Istanbul, visiting my friend Dilara.  The lovely tastes and memories lingered. So I wanted to make a batch at...


  On my first trip to Istanbul, I was happy to find that bread is a meal staple; from flat lavash to pide and simit. Over breakfast of cheese, olives and honey, one bread really caught my attention. It's called Pogaça, and is a sweet bread...