Cornetti-Spelt Second Time

Baker Ben Rogers captures a great insight on baking when he says; "make little changes as you do it." Perfection in baking can become an obsession. While the last bake was good, the next will be better, right? That's the hope? I thought of...

Goat Your Danish

I've made Danish before, but this is the first time I used goat butter. A California product found at Zabars, it lacks cow butter's yellow color, and texturally it looks more like lard. But it was fairly easy to laminate and taste-wise, it was...

Brioche Feuilleteé

Brioche in itself is already a rich buttery bread, but when folded with about a 2/3rds of that butter like croissants it transforms into that's crisp, airy and rich wonder that is laminated Viennoiserie. In this version I played with a bit of rye and a whole wheat...

The Dansker (Wild Leaven Danish)

Danish for me are a favorite  pastry. Egg rich, buttery and flaky, they make fruits and pastry cream welcome in all their nooks and crannies! Recently, I returned to attempt creating a sour dough adaptation of one of Dieter Schorner's famous formula. I fed...

Pain au lait

Having ventured into croissants, brioche and enriched breads, I thought it was time to make some pain au lait (or milk bread). This isn't as rich as brioche, but it has its place, mostly for breakfast or with tea. I found it on an awesome French web site. Though I...