A Stir The Pots Post

Videz les garde manger…faites une tartine!

by | Nov 18, 2010 | Food, sandwich, Tartine

Ever get home from a long day in the coal mine of work and wonder what you're going to eat? Imagine you're a chef and have been cooking all day for people. Now you're in no mood to start banging pots (or stir them), nevermind cook a roast, even for yourself.

And if you're like me, you may be sick of eating out. Yet, you haven't consulted your fridge in days because… you've been at work all week. You've barely consulted with your bed!  So it's awfully meager pickings, as home inventory is the least of your worries when you're a chef.


So imagine this one night you catch a break, take an early night, head home to recuperate. You open the fridge and find….nothing – save for a few over-ripe fruits (okay, rotting), half eaten yogurts, a plate with a couple of unhappy anchovies, another plastic container filled with a leftover weekend meal (from two or three days ago). Is it really worth reheating in the oven? Is it even safe?  In fact, at first glance it sems the only safe thing at home is the always dependable fruit known as autumn apples.



But wait, there's some fabulous bread you baked. And a can of lightly smoked sardines. Oh, and look there, under the half piece of red onion,a chunk of fennel bulb! Your head starts feeling positively dizzy with glee when you find some nice tomatoes.

Now it's just a matter of slice the veg, saw the loaf, mix in some spice, oil and vinegar. Et voila… tartine. No, not the Chad Robertson book it seems that everyone is talking about. Can I get pretentious on you with some home made French? Non mon ami, le tartine. That means a good old fashioned Gallic open faced sandwich – starting with a slice of bread with whatever strikes your imagination or, in this case, what is in the cupboard or fridge!


1 Comment

  1. Anna Johnston

    Ohhhh, how I relate my friend. A chefs frige can be a scary thing at times, amazing how you can always turn it into something stunning though, amazing.


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