A Stir The Pots Post


by | May 24, 2016 | Baking, Food, Recipes

Real men don't eat quiche? I don't even know if they're trendy anymore and I don't care. I don't think I'll ever dislike them, simple and delicious they're a comfort food and in my DNA!

Pâte brisée (makes one large tart, or about 15 small sized ones)
Flour 250 g  cold butter 125g, a pinch of salt one egg yolk and a bit of water if needed. Mix by hand, the flour, salt and butter till you get the butter and flour mix incorporated. Add yolk and water until the dough is roughly mixed, then proceed to knead lightly, form into a ball and flatten, chill for at least an hour.

Custard filling

my rule of thumb is a 1 kilo of heavy cream 8 eggs, you can reduce the amount according to how many quiche you make.


Roll dough out with a rolling pin on a lightly flour dusted counter. Fill fluted quiche or tart mold, prick with tines of a fork and chill. Blind bake shells for about fifteen minutes, covered with parchment and baking weights or beans.

Fill par-baked shells with any sort of fillings then cover with custard, bake at 375 F for approximately 25-30 minutes when custard sets and the top is golden.

These were ramp, potatoes, bacon and cheddar.





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