A Stir The Pots Post

My Corona

by | Mar 17, 2020 | Baking, Health

With the coronavirus making subway rides too dangerous, I spent the first week of the pandemic’s emergence cycling to work from home. Fast forward a week, and now work has been shut down. Welcome to our world of snake oil merchants, the same spirit that stole our votes now trying to exploit our fear to make a buck. And sending the crowds to strip the shelves in every store. Well, so long as I have flour and an oven, there’s always baking… now my definite comfort blanket.



  1. Daniel Strachan

    An anouncment is expected this evening that the shops in denmark will be closing, I think that I ought to skip out and stock up on flour/grains.
    Bake the days away, hang in there bro.

  2. Thierry Delabre

    Make sure to get some salt !

  3. Jeremy Shapiro

    Bread is a human zen point..
    Be well my friend..
    oh, and fill out the questionnaire when you have time??

  4. Jeremy Shapiro

    I dunno, sometimes Tuscan bread is good with butter and a salty Sicilian anchovy from my friends at Gustiamo!
    Ciao mon ami!
    Mon frère
    Brodu pain!


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