Anthony Bourdain #repost

Anthony Bourdain #repost

In the spring of 2007, we reached out to Anthony Bourdain for an interview. By then, Bourdain was established as a bright light in the food world. Perpetually curious, a natural raconteur, he loved the universe of food, from the tools and processes that make it...

Anthony Bourdain – 2007 – RIP

Anthony Bourdain was a bright light in a food world already rich in color. Feet grounded, perpetually curious, a natural raconteur, he was a man who seemed to love the simple sensual gifts life offers those who keeps awake. To many, Bourdain seemed like a soul who...

Yes I did some grillin, but no chillin por el quatro de Julio!

This 4th of July weekend I was bedridden with a bug. After two days of suffering and a visit to the emergency room, I finally came around with some flu medicine and TLC. I was even able contribute and  cook something despite the heatwave that came crashing in on...

6 degrees of seperation (Puerto Lopez)

The other day my niece Rebbecca asked me on Facebook  if I heard about Anthony Bourdain doing a show in Ecuador? "You're kidding," I told her. "I have my Tivo set up to record all his shows." Knowing he traveled to Ecuador, I couldn't...