Pizza Nuovo

A friend recently introduced me to Chef Stefano Manfredi. He’s an Australian chef whose family was originally from Lombardy. Not only is he a great chef and author, he’s  a pizzaiolo, too. Curiosity led me to order several of his books. One particular...

Grape Must Bread

Recently I purchased a copy of Italian baker Matteo Festo's Natural Leavening. It's an insightful introduction to Italy's approach to natural sourdough baking. Below are photos of my attempt at one of his formulas using grape must. Along...

Pane Nero NYC

This past week I joined a Sullivan Street Bakery event. Hosted by Gustiamo, it was created to introduce flour from Filippo Drago. The event celebrated dough, and bread making. It also included lots of conversation amongst aficionados of good bread. Thanks to...

Stefania Barzini

The other evening I was lucky to spend an evening with Stefania Barzini. Hosted by Beatrice Ughi, Stefania is a well renowned Italian chef and author. She also runs a cooking school, as well. With five of us sharing a typically small New York City kitchen,...


Friarielli is broccoli di rape, or is it? Not according to my friend Domenico, in fact he say's it's only available in Italy and especially from the region of Campania in the volcanic soil of Vesuvius. Well now it's available through Gustiamo, I recently...