
My latest project was ciabatta, the slipper bread of the eighties. My take was its popularity came in response to answer to the fashion of the era, French baguettes. With stronger flour, more water that gave bigger alveoli to the baked dough, it seemed a good idea for...


With our final menu for the summer, I decided to make a Italian panino with a soft foccacine. Foccacine are individual sized foccacia, uniform in shape and great for sandwiches. We went 100-percent sourdough, using half-milled mixture of farro and wheat and an...

Breaking Bread With Sara

I did a bread collaboration with Sara De Bellis of Abbotegga restaurant this week, incorporating regional Italian breads into a wine and food pairing. Sort of an aperetivo style mix, it included Ligurian onion focaccia, Piadina flat breat from Emilia Romana, and...

Panini-Dolci é Semi Dolci

A baking colleague recently introduced me to some formulations for two paninis; briochine and semi sweet, (Dolci é Semi dolci). These small buns can be used for little sandwiches ideal in tastings, bar menus, or breakfast. Both are enriched with egg, butter, lard...

Rosettas, Michettas, Kaiser Rolls

Recently, my Montreal chef friends Michele and Guisseppe were baking a bread similar to a kaiser roll, the old fashioned sandwich roll that characteristically features a hard crust and soft center. Up north, they call these breads Rosettas or Michettas. In...