Stirring talk about chefs, bakers, and food

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Sourdough Croissants

Sourdough Croissants

I love croissants. I love everything about them. Their layers of texture, from their crispy outside to their buttery soul. Their proud but simple elegance. Their mythic past of creation among Viennese bakers hiding in the cellars as the city was sacked by the Turks -...

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Philip Agnew

Philip Agnew

I first  noticed Pip Agnew on The Fresh Loaf blog he maintained for several years. Filled with details, photo’s of his home baked breads to his entry into the ranks of professional baker. Inspired by his wonderful looking loaves, I absorbed and observed his...

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Jiffy Baguettes

Jiffy Baguettes

Recently I made what author/baker Martin Philip calls "jiffy baguette." It's a classic yeasted baguette, something most sourdough snobs would not attempt. But the formula reminded me of something baker Jeffrey Hamelman said around "baguettes classically should be made...

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Rosé Croissants

Rosé Croissants

It’s been awhile since I’ve done croissants at home. My wife had purchased rose powder to use for some sort of facial mask and suggested inadvertently that I make rosé croissants, which are a thing I guess?. At first I rolled my eyes at the idea, I much prefer classic...

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Baking At Home (Adaption)

Baking At Home (Adaption)

Perfecting home-baked breads is deceptively elusive. It takes time to get the art, not to mention the science. And while social media offer oceans of bread baking photos and formulas, even at their most simple they can be tough to replicate when baked in your own...

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Sweet Starter

Sweet Starter

Blogging bakers Andrew Janjigian and Ian Lowe recently published a fabulous interview on sweet starters. They always give great advice. And though their approach takes time, in my experience their guidance consistently yields great results. I encourage bakers to read...

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