Aeroplane Food

At one point, even economy-class airline travel promised a cold sandwich. And even if they ususally were way too cold (not to mention, minus the mustard, tasteless), today's menu translates to "order out." Or in – if you're in one of those...


Economic stagnation, heat and emptiness was what I encountered upon my arrrival in Madrid, my first visit to the Iberian capital. A culinary venture was hampered by the fact the city was relatively empty, save the tourists, most Madrileno's were out of town. To...

State of the Union

Just got back from an overnight trip to America's capital, Washington D.C. With an agenda of a few visits to museums and local food spots, Save for some relentless heat during my visit and a wicked rainstorm making for a gloomy ride on the plane home to New...

Terremoto….uh oh, is that my bed moving?

A  few days ago I woke up in the middle of my working vacation in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador….That morning reminded me of a scene from the exorcist; my bed was shaking and there were thumping sounds. My first thought that it was the hotel guests above who were...