Our Favorite


Boeuf A’la Mode

Shopping at my local butcher I  got piece of marbled chicken steak aka  blade shoulder A prized bistro style cut for braising . With this particular cut  I learned with particular dish, its name boeuf aux carrotes (beef and carrots). The method and technique hasn't...

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Ceviche – Where Earth Meets Sea

Ceviche is the quintessence of fish dishes, a meeting of land and sea. The ingredients are basic; fish, chilies, onions, cilantro, and salt. Its magic is the transformative power of citrus cures. In South America, it's often served with plantain chips, toasted...

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Habicheulas Guisadas

Working with a team of Latin cooks, I've learned to up my game with beans. Between Yamil's Puerto Rican flavored-guidance, and Vicente's Dominican wisely textured-input, together they have helped me create beans any gourmet would love.  Habichuelas...

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Picasso said, “Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal,” He might as well as been talking about French cooking. It's an arena where you need to borrow and steal techniques if you're going to learn, not to mention excel. Cassoulet is a good example. It's...

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