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On a whim, we picked Montreal for our August vacation. Why not? It's full of great chefs, bakers, markets, and the wonderful colloquial Quebecois French. Honestly, we most wanted a chance to visit my good friend Domenico and his...

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Daniel Agüera

Daniel Agüera

I met Pittsburgh-based suburban farmer/chef/author Daniel Agüera on FaceBook. Then one summer day, Daniel told me he and his wife were coming into the city and invited me to meet for breakfast. After that we stayed in touch and so recently, I invited him to talk about...

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Jason Osburn

Today I received sad news regarding a young chef's passing. Jason Osburn was a talented young chef from Michigan who I'd met at the Charcuterie Masters in 2016. We corresponded, most often regarding food and life. Food is the chef's life. From what I saw and hear,...

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Carol Duncan

Carol Duncan is a friend I met from my days lurking around Australian site, sourdough.com. A couple of days ago, Carol tweeted to me, sharing that she would be visiting New York within days. So we met offline. Lovely to transform the world of virtual friendships to...

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My friend Gökhan Sökmen recently got in touch with me via Facebook. I'm a big admirer of his bread, and he seems to think mine make a passing grade. Anyway, apparently he was transplanted to Tokyo. The kid has talent. But as we know, Japan suffered a natural and...

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