A Stir The Pots Post

Spelt Croissants

by | Sep 23, 2011 | Croissants, Spelt

Whether it's pizza or levain, I'm always searching for another  grain to make healtheir  bread or goodies, like croissants. Or just add texture and fragrance by introducing whole grains.  Today's post is dedicated to spelt croissants. I found this formula after having been provoked by the sight of spelt and olive oil croissants at Eataly.


I managed to get these made, folded and shaped in a two day span, between the end of a weekend and work. Though reliant on Google's Italian translation software, I was able to make rudimentary sense of the kitchen language to produce a decent looking product.


The steps and ingredients differ only slightly from classic butter croissants. Such steps include autolysing ("a resting period between the early mixing and kneading phases"), a mix of the whole grain spelt, then mixing it in with a levain and yeasted mix. From there it's  virtually the same procedure in processing the croissants. I hope to  make another batch, maybe adapting or add in more whole grain, to get them just where I want them, namely perfect! Stay tuned…



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